It's been a week, huh?
Instead of posting one of my newest projects, I thought I'd share a few pics from the Krewe of Chewbacchus parade that I went to on Saturday.
Truth be told, it took everything I had to get ready and head out of the house. This was the first event that I've attended this Carnival Season. I mean, I didn't even celebrate Kings Day, except for purchasing and eating King cake and that is saying something!! BTW, I got the baby, lol.
This year(s) is going to be a challenge and I'm really having/going to push myself to not stay isolated in my house/garden with depression. Blah.
SO I WENT TO THE PARADE....... and it did not disappoint. The creativity, the celebratory atmosphere, the love, the costumes and the mostly locals only (sorry tourists).
It was just what I needed. I then stopped in at my favorite dive bar, Vaughans Lounge, and chatted and commiserated with local friends. It was so very cathartic. I love New Orleans people.
Anyway, here's some pics:
Here's me. I pretty much half-assed dressed up. And mama needs her hair did.
And as I was posting these pics, I realized that I have less than a month before Mardi Gras Day and I have not started costumes yet. These next few weeks are going to be cray-cray!!!
Here's last years costumes:
If y'all have followed me on fb, you know that I usually share a little hint of what this year's costume will be and then I do the big reveal on Mardi Gras Day. I will share my hint within the next couple of weeks so that y'all can start guessing.
Oh! Along with Mardi Gras season, Tis also the season to get my garden planted and after the snowmageddon we had last month (lordy!), there is a lot of cleanup that needs to happen. Some things I feel confident in cutting back and cleaning up, but with some of my plants, I'm going to need to take the approach of, Wait and See if it's dead or alive and of course, we will most likely get another freeze before Spring arrives.
But in the meantime, I've been planting my tomato and pepper seeds inside my house under grow lights and all is growing well. You've gotta be ahead of the game here in Louisiana before the heat and humidity and bugs kick in.
Here's some pics of my tomatoes and peppers in progress-
You can see in the last pic above that they've grown enough that I'm now starting to harden them off. That's a lot of plants!!!
Also, my seed order from Baker Creek seed catalog arrived, so I'm going to be planting up a bunch of seeds and sticking them in my greenhouse with fingers crossed that they do okay in there. I used to set up tables in my house to start seeds, but with two very curious and destructive puppies, that is pretty much impossible right now. Matter of fact, I'll share one of my projects next week that wasn't on my to-do list, but thanks to the pups, got added to the top of the list. Those two have kept me VERY BUSY since last June!!!
Okay, I think that's it for now. I'll post again next week----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Peace and Plant Flowers (and RESIST)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Michelle----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reminder that you can also find me at and at
I’m so glad that you went and that you posted pics! They’re fabulous!! I had it on the calendar but couldn’t find the motivation or energy to go. It’s been a struggle. 😬 I look forward to seeing what you plan for your costumes this year, though.